This summer too hot to write. That is the excuse I'm going with as to why I am so far behind in the schedule for my next book.
It's got a name - Controlling the Game. And I have a deadline - the end of August. Jesus. F. Christ! that is right around the corner.
It even has main characters - Tom Delouse, Sophia Timberlake and Ben Broate. It's got lots of pages -- lots and lots of pages.. In fact...I've rewritten it three times.
Which is the problem. I didn't like any of the first three versions - so I've started over on version 4. Hopefully the last version. I'm trying not to freak out about this. And I'm really excited about how well Necessary Line is selling on Amazon. Amazingly excited - but I'm feeling the pressure and I'm guessing thats part of my problem.
Help - - Send the SEALs, send someone to save me!