Thursday, August 18, 2011

How not to write:#1 spend hours trolling around the internet...

In the vein of all my recent posts, I spent the morning trolling around the internet instead of working on my next book, Controlling the Game.

Version 4 is looking like it's about the crash and burn....Version 5, anyone?  But that's not the exciting news. Much more interesting is that during my prolonged procrastination I found a bit of good news.  Susan over all All Romance Cafe likes me. Yeah me! Woot - Woot.

That really does make my day, month, year.  Just like all new writers, I'm constantly obsessing about whether anybody likes my books. Thank you to all the people who have let me know they DON'T. I'm pretty full up on that section now.  So, what a pleasure during my aimless trolling to find that The Girl Says Yes made it on to Susan's August Recommend Read list at the ARc Cafe. (again...yeah!)

Raj had captured my fancy from the first, and I'm glad that someone else finds him as sexy as I do. (figuratively speaking...cough.) Even better news, it comes with a badge! Which I've desperately wanted since seeing the cool ones that everyone over at Savvy Author's have on their page/signatures, etc.

So, I debut with great pleasure my Recommend Read badge from All Romance ebooks.

('s a generic one..but still.. very proud to have it!).

Ok, back to trolling...I mean writing.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

This book is kicking my ass...

This summer too hot to write.  That is the excuse I'm going with as to why I am so far behind in the schedule for my next book.

It's got a name - Controlling the Game. And I have a deadline - the end of August. Jesus. F. Christ! that is right around the corner.

It even has main characters - Tom Delouse, Sophia Timberlake and Ben Broate.  It's got lots of pages -- lots and lots of pages.. In fact...I've rewritten it three times.

Which is the problem.  I didn't like any of the first three versions - so I've started over on version 4. Hopefully the last version.  I'm trying not to freak out about this.  And I'm really excited about how well Necessary Line is selling on Amazon. Amazingly excited - but I'm feeling the pressure and I'm guessing thats part of my problem.

Help - - Send the SEALs, send someone to save me!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Brag Post: Sorry- couldn't resist tooting my own horn.

I apologize for the flat out bragging you are about to be subjected to. But...who knows if this will ever happen again...

Just in case you can't read it.  I made the top 100 list in Books>Romantic Suspense on Amazon for Necessary Line.'s at # 99 - but that still counts!  In Books - not just kindle - but "real" books...

Happy Dance. Working hard on Ben/Tom's book and this is just the boost I need.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Hoorah! Controlling the Game - title done.

May has proven productive.

 I joined the writing Boot Camp over at Savvy Authors and have made nice progress (15,000 words!)  Even better, I finally have a title - Controlling the Game. I've seen some drafts of the cover - and I likeeeee.

Now, If I could only wrestle Tom and Ben into shape.  This book started out as Ben's book, but as I write, it's turning more into Tom's book. Sooooooo, I think in the end we'll have to see what we get.

This is a new experience for me. I am a big PLOTTER. I don't like this crazy willy-nilly thing that is going on, but that's where the ideas are taking me. I've tried getting them back on track - but they dry up!

After a few days downtime, I decided to just go with the flow and trust that it will all work out in the end.

Sophie, my heroine, is taking the changes in stride. She likes BOTH guys, so it's all good for her.



Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Need title for Ben's book....but at least I'm making progress.

I am finally making progress on Ben's book.

Not because I haven't been writing, because I have. No, the problem was much worse.  One of the character's from The Girl Says Yes was cutting the line!

I couldn't focus on Ben and Sophie's book until I got at least an outline down for Dimple.

The good news is I got it done. Now, I'm in full swing and starting to make real progress toward meeting my June deadline!

Now, all I need is a name for the book. Sigh.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ben's Book taking shape!

Thanks to everyone for supporting The Girl Says Yes and Necessary Line. We're holding steady on Amazon, and for the most part the reviews are positive!

Yes, I know...I can't spell very well and I get creative with Grammar. My grade school teachers are screaming...We told you, so.

I've got my head down, trying to slog through Ben's book. He and Tom (from Girl Says Yes) head to Los Vegas for a wild weekend. Chaos and Mayhem ensue.  I've got a tentative release date of Summer, 2011, so time's flying!

We are having a fun winter! So in between shoveling snow, I'm working away.  I'm also trying to decide which conferences to go to this spring, summer so if anyone has suggestions, let me know.

I live in the D.C. Metro area, and unfortunately can't make it to L.A. for Romantic Times.  But...I was contemplating going up to New York for the National Romance Writers of American meeting.

I'm not currently a member, and not sure yet if I want to be! But, maybe a trip to the meeting would help me decide.

Enough procrastination!  Back to work.